This page last changed on Nov 01, 2012 by prodrigu.


MyWLCG / MyEGI is the main tool used for visualizing the monitoring data coming from the SAM system.

It is called MyWLCG or MyEGI depending for whom the application is deployed for. Even though it is essentially the same, some features may be enabled in one version and disabled in the other.


The trends application offers two visualizations:

Availability Trends

Shows a graph with the evolution of the availability and reliability values for the different sites.

Experiment Usage

Shows a graph providing different usage information for the sites: number of jobs, cpu time used, cpu wall clock time used, cpu efficiency and percentage of pledge hours used.

Trends data source 

Availability / Reliability data source

The values showed by these graphs come directly from the SAM system. You can learn more about the monitoring process in SAM Architecture.

Experiments Usage

This view uses two main data sources: The Accounting Portal and REBUS.

Document generated by Confluence on Feb 27, 2014 10:19